I am a proud black woman fascinated by my culture and inspired by those around me and those that have come before me. Within the black community, we are privileged to know countless stories throughout history of role models like Harriet Tubman, whose courage, bravery, and dedication to fighting for a cause she believed in – despite dangerous circumstances – inspired countless others and changed the face of our history.
I have been fortunate to also have strong, black female role models in my life. At least twice a year growing up, my family sent clothes, shoes, and money back home to Haiti and the Dominican Republic. My mom started this tradition, and my sister and I have continued it. My Aunt also volunteered her time – and ours – growing up. She was so generous with her time doing work within our community and I could see the impact of her work – also how rewarding it was for her. It wasn’t until I was a bit older that I fully realized the need to really support organizations within the black community locally and “back home”.
Now, it is clear that the black diaspora around the world is still very involved and concerned about what’s going on in their parents’ home country, supporting businesses and organizations abroad.
Working with charitable organizations serving the black community as a fundraising specialist, it gave me the opportunity to learn about their needs and struggles. The challenges that came up over and over were the struggle to get the support from their community and a lack of visibility in this new digital age. I created SupportBlackCharities to help connect donors and volunteers to organizations who are supporting the black community – to have a global impact and contribute to and inspire black communities worldwide.
Who am I to create this network of organizations, donors, and volunteers? I was born in Montreal, Quebec to parents who came to Canada from Haiti. An Electronic Engineer by trade, I am someone who realizes the importance of building up black communities around the world. My compassion drives me. I want to motivate and inspire people to give back.
Having worked with several organizations such as Pierspective Entraide Humanitaire, I also volunteered for several years as a Speaker and Mentor in the after school outreach program with the National Society of Black Engineers in Canada & USA, serving on the Marketing Committee for their National Convention in Toronto in February 2010. I want to have a positive impact on the black community, to connect people and inspire them to help each other. There are already organizations doing incredible work within the black community and I hope that SupportBlackCharities will continue to highlight these organizations.
That said, please support a Black Organization and contribute to elevate the black community worldwide!!!