National Youth Confidence Day

National Youth Confidence Day   Building a framework of positive role models is vital to developing responsible, confident young adults.

National Family Literacy Month

National Family Literacy Month National Family Literacy Month is celebrated during November. It's an opportunity for families to learn and

Autistics Speaking Day

AUTISTICS SPEAKING DAY AUTISTICS SPEAKING DAY HISTORY Autistic Self Advocacy Network founded Autistics Speaking Day in 2010 as a way for

Afro-Argentinian Day

Afro-Argentinian Day   Since 2013, November 8 has been celebrated as the National Day of Afro-Argentines and African Culture. The

Veterans/Remembrance Day

VETERANS DAY also Remembrance Day Rememberance Day is observed in Canada and carries much of the same meaning as America's

World Kindness Day

WORLD KINDNESS DAY   World Kindness Day (WKD) is a global celebration day each year on November 13 that promotes